Sunday, May 11, 2008

Memory Training Shown to Turn Up Brainpower - New York Times

Memory Training Shown to Turn Up Brainpower - New York Times

I'm not going to make educational decisions based on NYT articles, but this one is certainly interesting. They report on research carried out to test the hypothesis that training working memory will increase "fluid intelligence".

They trained participants using a game, concentration, which in turn seemed to result in higher fluid intelligence scores. The interesting thing, to me, is that in this modified version of the game, they were exposed to both auditory and visual stimulation. Seems a little like most video games out there, doesn't it? So, I wonder if they'd have the same results with Grand Theft Auto? :)

In the end, they got people working out puzzles and they did better on intelligence tests that essential measure puzzle-solving ability. The brain is like a machine that does better when warmed up. Seems logical to me.

1 comment:

  1. I am taking general psych. I am writing a discussion note on this article and three similar articles, well put. If possible do you find the research experiment on getting smarter or doing well on what they are trained on?
