Sunday, March 9, 2008

Report: 6 Out Of 10 Americans Cannot Locate Payless Shoes On A Mall Map

Report: 6 Out Of 10 Americans Cannot Locate Payless Shoes On A Mall Map 

This is just tragic. How will future shoppers help the American economy slog forward? It is a shame that more schools aren't focusing on these essential skills. If we don't educate students on skills like finding Payless on a mall map, how will they learn to do this themselves.

Some say that we are just protecting them from buying cheap shoes. I mean, if we not only allow them to go there, but show them how to find it, aren't we guilty when those $10 specials fall apart at inopportune times? I say, of course not. We need to show them how to responsibly use these maps. Point out that they can get higher quality discount shoes for just slightly more at DW or super discounts on name brand shoes at TJ Maxx.

So, don't protect students from reality, prepare them for it. :)


1 comment:

  1. you say many americans cant find real shoes in mall than why dont you recommend them to buy online "_

    i google the net for you and found an amazing shoe store which offer Discount women’s and men’s shoes. , so visit and enjoy :)
