Friday, November 3, 2006

TalkAndWrite is a plugin (an extra feature) for Skype. Two people have to have the application installed on their computer. If so, then you can collaborate on a document.

This isn't like working on a Word document. It is more like working on an electronic whiteboard. You can type using a textbox if you'd like and you can draw freehand using a view different 'tools'. The result can be saved as an image (.jpg or .png) or as a TalkAndWrite document.

It seems like this would be best for brainstorming or discussing concepts that would best be drawn out for the other user. I also think that you could probably bring up pictures to interact with.

I haven't been able to use this yet, but I just installed it on my computer. I just haven't found a willing partner. If you are feeling adventureous and would like to test this out with me, let me know.


  1. I think this could be a very good tool, like a TPR instrument of the future, I'm thinking it could be used with students for listening/reading comprehension. I'm relating to this type of activity that I sometimes do with students - on a piece of paper-where one student needs to tell in Italian what is his/her room like, for example, what does he/she have in their room and the partner needs to draw the objects according to the directions.
    I am interested in trying it out, Dan. If you read my comment in time, I could go online tomorrow(Saturday) around 10.00 am, Bloomington time, if not, Sunday at the same hour (I just need to open Skype, right?). I already downloaded the program on my computer, but I don't promise I won't be a disaster:)

  2. I'll be there :)

    Unfortunately, I don't think that the drawing option will be too good without some kind of digital pen (my tablet pc might work well).

    We'll see.

